Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Is Faithbooking?

Faithbooking builds a memorial with pictures and stories that capture those special moments when we recognize Jesus Christ in our daily lives. Faithbooking is the combination of journaling about our faith and our God Moments with photographs that help illustrate and reinforce spiritual memorials in our lives.
The reason we create faith albums is to increase our faith and glorify God. Faith albums give us tangible evidence of God's fingerprints and faithfulness in our daily lives so we can remember His blessings and grow our faith. When our faith grows, it's then that we are equipped and excited to share in helping others grow their faith.
Psalm 78:4 - We will tell the next generation the praise worthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done!
Faithbooking helps us:
...capture and record life's significant events
...reinforces godly values and beliefs ...remember and record details about our salvation and our faith walk
...remember God is an everyday God and not just a Sunday God
...see God in everything and everyone around us
...remember the praise worthy deeds of the Lord
...capture and remember the miracles and blessings we have seen with our own eyes
...capture those moments that God spoke or touched us in an incredible way
...remember the blessing of the people who we love and who love us
...have "God esteem" instead of "self-esteem" God by remembering what and who He is and what He has already done
...pass on a legacy of faith to our family
Psalm 77:11-12 - I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.
The bittersweet is that such scenes remain only for a breath ~ then vanish forever. That is what makes a photograph so priceless. A moment of the Creator's artistry that may have disappeared forever gets captured in the instant it occurred. And ever afterward we can see it and remember the feeling of power and awe that it brought us in that long ago momentSo I say thank you Father, that you made all these visions for us, your children. Thank you for giving the rich and the poor the same eyes to gaze upon the beauty You have laid before us, the great reach of your mercy and love that never speaks louder than in the quiet moments when we behold what You have created and breath in the life that You gave us." Cindy Morgan

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